That Dreaded Word “Exercise”

We all have to move.  Some of us have jobs where we barely sit down; others of us sit in front of our computers each day.

If you are one of the latter, you have to find some way to move your body.   Once the body becomes accustomed to being inert, it is difficult to lose weight, even if your calorie intake is low.  The body is quite efficient, and will adjust to lower caloric intake over time.

If you are stuck in front of a computer, get up every 15-20 minutes and stretch and move.  Long periods of sitting can produce blood clots, so you want to move a few times per hour.   Even just moving your legs will help.  You can also do what I call “tush pushups.”   When you are sitting, start flexing your gluteal (butt) muscles.   Do as many of these little pushups as possible, increasing daily.  You’ll find that your back end will become toned and lifted.

This is still really not enough exercise.  Walking briskly is one of the best forms of exercise for everyone.  Make sure you have a good pair of walking shoes.  Bring some music with, and start out with just walking a mile, increasing on a weekly basis, as time allows.  Once you are comfortable walking, sprint occasionally as this gets the heart rate up, and really helps to burn the fat.

My favorite exercise program is Body Flex; there is also Body Flex+ which includes a GymBar for various exercises that provides about 40 lbs. of resistance.  You can increase the resistance by rolling up the stretch band on the bar.  As I mentioned in one of my first posts, Body Flex includes deep diaphramatic breathing.  You then incorporate isotonic/isometric exercises, plus the GymBar routines.   The benefits of deep diaphramatic breathing is that you increase fat burning, and improve your workout as oxygen is being sent wherever the muscles are used.   In regular exercise, you begin burning fat when your heart rate and breathing increase.  By starting your exercises with deep breathing, you  jump start the fat burning process.  Body Flex can be done quickly in about 15-20 minutes.  For those that are really out of shape, take your time and work up to the number of repetitions on the program.   (Please note:  I am not in any way affiliated with Body Flex or Greer Childers; I really just happen to like this exercise routine, and use it often).  There are other deep breathing exercise programs available.  Choose one that resonates with you.

Do you like to dance?  Well, take up dancing – it’s great exercise.  If you take dance lessons, you have to practice until the next lesson, thereby getting your exercise throughout the week.  If you become proficient, take your dancing to the clubs, and continue your workout.

Like to dance, but don’t feel confident enough or have the money to spend on dance lessons.  Try Zumba® at home or some of the other several dance exercise programs.  But commit to it; set aside a time each day to do your exercising.

Try deep breathing while you are doing any other type of exercise.  Deep breathe while you drive, or as you’re watching TV.   There are so many benefits to bringing more oxygen into the body, the biggest being that you will increase your fat burning.

For your research and discernment:   You can also drink some food grade hydrogen peroxide (diluted down – several drops in 8 oz. of good quality spring water) prior to exercising – this brings oxygen into the bloodstream.   In fact, as part of your health regimen,  food grade hydrogen peroxide can be taken on a daily basis.  It elevates the blood oxygen level, and helps to kill off viruses, bacteria and fungus in the body.  If you have a medical grade ozone machine, you can drink ozonated water before a workout.  Again, please do your own research on this.

Whatever you do, make it fun.  There is nothing more boring than exercise for exercise sake.

Here’s a great tip:  Protease enzymes including papain, bromelain, trypsin and chymotrypsin can help reduce stiffness after exercise.   Serrapeptase, another enzyme, is also classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory which helps to reduce inflammation.   So, remember to take your enzymes!

Have a great, healthy, fat busting day!

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